Sorry to being back an old thread, but I'm be thinking about getting either an old PS3* or a QS20 blade to experiment with some PPU programming/experiments...
What versions of Linux do you run on them? It seems that Red Hat Enterprise and Fedora were with supported OSs for IBM's SDK and libraries and Yellow Dog by Sony...
Do you have the blades running in a E Series BladeCenter chassis, or something else? THat's the main thing stopping me buying the QS20 or QS22, as not only are the chassis expensive, they need 220V supply [and my house is wired as 110V...].
[*I had Yellow Dog Linux running on my own [original 60 GB fat] PS3 and my G4 PowerMac back in the 2008 timeframe, but Mac has gone and my PS3 has latest official firmware for PSN & games for the kids...].